Rancang bangun sistem borang akreditasi pada program studi administrasi bisnis Politeknik Negeri Semarang
Polytechnic business administration program in Semarang needs accreditation to measure the feasibility and recognition of the institution. The Processing system of accreditation forms and technologies that together will create transformation from manual to electronic systems.
The purposes of this final project are developing a computerized application system, which can facilitate in making the report and processing the accreditation data, to optimize the use of computers in constructing and developing the engineering accreditation system which is friendly user in making the accreditation report.
The method used in this thesis is the method of development system, while the steps are the investigations system, analisys system, design, implementation, and maintenance system.
By using the new system accreditation forms, the Polytechnic business administration program can maximize the use of computers, so that in the preparation of the accreditation forms can be efficiently and effectively done and reduces human errors.
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