Peran tugas sekretaris dalam membantu pimpinan pada PT PLN (Persero) area pelayanan dan jaringan Yogyakarta
PT PLN (Persero) is a company engaged in the electric field and included in State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). Government-owned companies usually have a diverse and complex activities. Under these conditions, the leadership will certainly require the services of a secretary who could help him in running the company. A secretary is an indirect effect on firm performance in the process of improving cooperation and support the company's progress in all areas.
Final purpose of writing are to know the role and duties the secretary in assisting the leadership at PT PLN (Persero) Area Pelayanan dan Jaringan Yogyakarta.
Data collection techniques use are observation method, literature study and interview. This final project report use descriptive method.
The role of secretary in PT PLN (Persero) Area Pelayanan dan Jaringan Yogyakarta is to assist the leadership in the organization and represent the leadership in the secretarial meeting. The duties of secretary are care and schedule incoming and outgoing mail, preparing for meeting, arrange the schedule of leadership and receive guests.
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