Pengaturan tata ruang kantor dalam meningkatkan efisiensi karyawan bagian administrasi pada PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Semarang Tenagh
The purpose of this thesis is the first to know the arrangement of equipment and office space in the administration of PT PLN (Persero) Semarang Central Rayon, both to the physica environment mmengetahui office and conditions of office space, a third to determine whether the spatial arrangement is efficient.
The research method used in this thesis is a descriptive method, the information obtained is only to provide an outline of a state. In this case to describe the arrangement of office space, office space picture of the physical environment. The data used are the primary data and secondary data, where data are primary interviews with employees in the administration of secondary data and literature data is obtained from documents and so on that are not directly related to the object to be discussed and to complement the primary data.
The results showed that the spatial properties that are used in the administration is to be open spaces. The administration in using office equipment that is less than the maximum by the invisibility of the equipment has not been used but still a lot of equipment such as documents and papers scattered on the floor, under the table, making room to be sloppy. In that study, it can be concluded that the room is less efficient, so it is recommended that the arrangement of tools and equipment are neatly arranged in order to work efficiently in the settlement.
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