Rancang bangun company profile pada CV. Penta Surya berbasis WEB
CV Penta Surya is one company that engaged in the production of goods ATK (Stationery Office) made from cardboard such as ordner file, box file, porterel, and others. They provide sufficient stock for sale, and also accept orders from customers.
The aim of this Final Project is to design a company profile on the company so that information can be accessed by public which can be accessed at any time.
This Final Project writing method is a system development and the data collection methods are literature review, observation, and interview. Software that is used in this Final Project are Adobe Photoshop, Photo Impact and CMS Joomla 1.5 with programming language PHP and MySQL database.
The result of this Final Project is the company profile based on web has been already uploaded. It can be the alternaltive promotion and it is cheaper than catalogs and word of mouth.
It can be concluded that this company profile based on the web could be accessed by customers and prospective customers with a high effectiveness, fast and easy.
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