Pelayanan Jasa Bongkar Muat Domestik pada Unit Terminal Petikemas Semarang PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II
Domestic loading and unloading activity is one of bussiness enterprise in Semarang Container Terminal was operated since October 2012. Semarang Container Terminal is a class I port in the scope of PT (Pesero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III. The purposes of this final project are firstly to determine the mechanism of domestic loading and unloading services in Semarang Container Terminal Unit, and secondly to identify potential of loading and unloading domestic containers services in Semarang Container Unit.
The data collection method used interview, observation and literature .The data used are the primary data and secondary data. Primary data are included direct interviews with relevant parties as Ship Planner, Staff Marketing and Operator , processing of stevedoring container and the tools and participant of stevedoring activity . Secondary data are obtained from the books, regulations, as well as from the information given to the author Semarang Container Terminal. The final project report is written descriptively.
The results are that the mechanism of domestic services in Semarang Container Terminal covers container receiving, container stacking activities (Cargodoring), loading and unloading activities , and container delivery. The activities are carried out with the complete equipment and reliable excecutive manpower. Number of vessels berthing in small quantity and container flow in TPKS is approximately 200-400 TEU’s every month. The management of Semarang Container Terminal must be improved for the domestic service with dissemination and promotion about the services to producers and customers in Central Java and The Special Region of Yogyakarta.
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