Deskripsi Strategi Humas PT. Angkasa Pura (Persero) cabang Bandara Internasional Ahmad Yani Semarang dalam Membangun Citra Baik Perusahaan di Masyarakat
Corporate image is a character that is built to get the impression of the public, both internal and external public. For internal public, corporate image is built to obtain a good perception of the company and creating employee loyalty. For the external public, the image of the company is built to get a goodwill and trust from the society. Research was conducted to describe the strategies used by Public Relation PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) branch Ahmad Yani Internasional Airport Semarang in building the image of the airport. Ahmad Yani International Airport Semarang as the air gate of Semarang and Central Java has relatively heavy burden to carry and build positive image. In addition, the status as the international airport that is claimed to be able to meet international standard has been defined.
This reaserch uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type method. Data collected by literature study, documentation, observation, and interviews. The respondents of the interview are General Affair and Communication Section Head and his staff.
Result of the research shows that Public Relation PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) branch Ahmad Yani International Airport Semarang uses 5 strategies of Rosady Ruslan concept, they are operational strategy, cooperation approach, social responsibility of public relation approach, persuasive and educative approach, and coordinative and integrative approach.
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