Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Penyambungan Baru dan Penambahan Daya Listrik terhadap Persepsi Pelanggan pada PT PLN (Persero) Area Semarang
This research was conducted to test the effect of the level of quality service of the new connection and power changes of electricity on the customer’s perception at PT PLN (Persero) Area Semarang.
The sample used in this study involved 100 respondents. As for the sampling method, it is by using purposive sampling.
Methods of data analysis used is a quantitative analysis using the test validity and reliability tests, test t, F-test, the coefficient of determination, and multiple linear regression analysis.
By using multiple linear regression method, it can be concluded that all the independent variables influence the dependent variable include tangibles of positive and significant effect of the perception of the customers with the value of significance (P Value) of 0,0010,05. The assurance also positive and significant impact on the perceptions of customers with the value of significance (P Value) of 0,0030,05. For empathy also has a positive and significant customer value perception of significance (P Value) of 0,000>0,05. Simultaneous physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and the empathy effect significantly to perception of customers with F count of 31,491 with numbers of significance (P Value) of 0, 000
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