Presepsi Klaimen terhadap Pelayanan Klaim pada PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) Cabang jawa tengah
The primary purposes of this final project are to find out the services in PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) Branch of Central Java and to identify claimen perception concening claim sevice in PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) Branch of Central Java.
The sampling technique used in this research was purpose sampling. The methods in collecting data were observation, interview, questionnaire, and literature studies. The analysis method was validity test, reliability test, and cross tabulation.
The result of this final project are that claiments are mostly male gender (64%), aged beetween >40 years (42%), high school graduated (36%), have jobs an entrepreneur(50%) and shows that claiments of the service by respondent is good, the perception of tangibility is 88%, reliability is 70%, responsiveness is 74%, assurance is 64%, and emphaty is 66%.
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