Prosedur Penanganan Surat Keluar dan Surat Masuk di Bagian Kesekretariatan pada Kantor PT POS Indonesia Divisi regional VI Jateng & DIY
The main objectives of this research are to find out the handling procedures of incoming mail at PT Pos Indonesia In Regional Division VI Central Java and Yogyakarta Office,The handling procedure of outgoing mails PT Pos indonesia In Regional Division VI Central Java and Yogyakarta Office and The mails handling tools used at the secretarial department PT Pos Indonesia In Regional Division VI Centrai Java and Yogyakarta Office.
The research method that is used in this research is descriptive method. The data were collected by observation, interview and literature studies. The object of this research is the secretarial department of PT Pos Indonesia In Regional Division VI Central Java and Yogyakarta Office.
The result of this research is shows that the procedures of handling outgoing mail at secretarial department of PT Pos Indonesia In Regional Division VI Central Java and Yogyakarta Offic are making a concept, approval of the concept, the numbering lett er, typing concept, the signing of a letter rubber stamp organfzation, and recording outgoing mail. The procedures of handling ir.ccmfng mail at secreteria/ department of PT Pos Indonesia In Regional Division VI Central Java and 'r'ogyakarta Office are acceptance letter, sorting mail, recording ir. book events in, distribution of fetter, and mail storage (filing). The incoming mails are shorted from the supervisor administration employe. The mail handling tools used are mail are agenda books, expedition books, disposition sheet, odner, and boxes. expedition books, disposition sheet, odner, and boxes.
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