Analisis Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Pembentukan Citra Perusahaan pada PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) Cabang Jawa Tengah
This research discuses about corporate image. The purpose of this research is to analyze how product (X1), social responsibility (X2), communication (X3), and environment (X4) can determine in creating corporate image in PT Jasa Raharja (Persero). The collecting data methods that are used are observation, interview, questionnaires and literature study. Beside, the analysis methods that are used are T test, F test, multiple regression and coefficient determination. Before analyzing the data has been tested using validity and reliability test. This research used 50 respondents with interval skill
The result of T test show that all of independent variables give positive influences and significance on the dependent variable because the significances are not more than alpha (0,05) and tcount > ttable (1,677). Simultaneously, four independent variables give influence on corporate image because the significance less than alpha (0,05) with Fcount (65,893) > Ftable (2,58). The result of multiple regression analysis is � = −5,108 + 0,405�1 + 0,366�2 + 0,297�3 + 0,397�4 show that the four independent variables all together are significance to corporate image. The result of coefficient determination show that all independent variables give the influences on corporate image for 84,1%.
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