Analisis Pengaruh Program Pengembangan (Development) terhadap Karyawan pada Patra Jasa Semarang Convention Hotel
The development of operational functions of personnel management. Employee development there should be a continuous and ongoing. Patra Jasa Semarang Convention Hotel has the leadership development program, personal development and public speaking. The development program was implemented to improve employee performance.
The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of the development program on employee performance, to analyze the effect of the target, trainers, materials, methods and participants of the employee's performance and to determine the effect the greatest impact on employee performance.
The method of data collection are interview, observation, questionnaires and literature review. Source of data used are primary and secondary data and the type of data are quantitative and qualitative. The analysis method used is multiple linear regression, the coefficient of determination, f test and t test significance.
F test results obtained sig for 0.000 is much smaller than 0.05. T test
showed that sig for variable targets, methods and participants obtained results are less than 0.05, while for trainer and material variables obtained sig greater than 0.05. The results obtained by multiple linear regression equation are:
Y = - 0.278 + 0.317X1+ 0.011X2 + 0.025X3 + 0.442X4 + 0.286X5.
The results of the coefficient of determination equal to 0.572 means that all variables (target, trainers, materials, methods and participants) influence on the performance of 57.2%.
Program development done by Patra Jasa Semarang Convention Hotel simultaneously was significant effect on performance. Program development is partially affecting the performance of the target variables, methods and participants. While the variables that significantly affect the trainer and material variables. The multiple linear regression equation shows all the target variables, trainers, materials, methods and participants have a positive impact on employee performance. The variables that most affect the performance of the method.
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