Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Daerah Operasi 4 Semarang
Job satisfaction is related to performance of employees. The job satisfaction experienced by employees could reduce or increase performance of employees. Employees feel that job satisfaction will have high productivity and will affect to increase the performance of company. But in reality not all employees of company have high productivity, because some of them have low spirit and don’t have enough time to work. So a company has to pay more attention to job satisfaction of employees.
This research was done at PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) DAOP 4 Semarang. The points of research are to find out how job satisfaction influence of performance of employees, to find out which dominant job satisfaction’s indicator on performance of employees, to find out simultaneous influence and partial influence of job satisfaction on performance of employees. Total of samples in this research were 50 respondents and used stratified sampling method. The independent variable of this research is job satisfaction and the dependent variable is performance of employees. Analysis of this research is using validities and reliabilities test, simple regression test, hypothesis test with T-test and F-test.
Result of this analysis is manager indicator had influence on performance of employees, and the percentages of influence of the job satisfaction to performance of employees was 23,1%, and 76,9% were caused by other factors outside the research.
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