Pelaksanaan pelatihan dan pengembangan dalam meningkatkan kinerja karyawan pada PT PLN (Persero) UDIKLAT Semarang
The purposes of this study were to determine the implementation of training and development, and to identifythe impact oftraininganddevelopment.
The research method was descriptive method. This research explain about training and development in PT PLN (Persero) Udiklat semarang. The data was collected by interview and literature study.
Implementation of training and development include identification of training needs, demandof theunitthatrequirestraining, anddemandfromcompanies outside thePT PLN (Persero). The resultis managedbyPT PLN (Persero) Pusdiklat, then PT PLN (Persero) Pusdiklat divide training to Udiklat and Udiklat prepare training event. Evaluation of the training in PT PLN (Persero) Udiklat semarang there are four levels consist of: the first level of evaluation toevaluate thesatisfactionlevelof theparticipantsof the facilities, services, andinstructor; the second level of evaluationtoevaluatethe levellearning oftheknowledge acquired; the third level of evaluationtoevaluate therate of change inparticipantbehavior, and the fourth level of evaluation to evaluate thelevel ofperformance improvementafterimplementation of training. Implementation of training and development by PT PLN (Persero) Udiklat Semarang have positive impact on
behavior change and employee performance.
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