Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan, Promosi, dan Harga terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Paket Umrah pada PT Kaisa Rossie Toru & Travel Semarang
The primary purposes of this final project are to identify the influence of Services Quality, promotion, and price on purchasing decisions umrah package at PT Kaisa Rossie tour & travel Semarang.
The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling. The methods in collecting data were interview, questionnaire, and literature review.
The analysis method was multiple linier regression, test reliability, validity, and F
test and t test.
From thecalculation by multiple linier regression, it could be said that all variable had a positive influence on purchasing decision with the regression formula: Y = 1.227 + 0.160 + 0.238 + 0.293. According to t test, t count value we found that variable service quality was 0,160, while the promotion was 0,238 and the price was 0,293. While f test obtained f count value was 11,785. Coefficient determination was 0,278, it meant that 27.8% of purchasing decision could be explained by service quality, promotion and price. Meanwhile, other part of 72,2% of purchasing decision was influenced by other variables, which were not included in this research.
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