Pengaruh Kualitas, Harga dan Merek terhadap Minat Beli Mobil Toyota Agya pada PT Nasmoco Majapahit untuk Wilayah Semarang Timur
This research aimed to know the influence of the quality, price and brand on purchase interest of Toyota Agya at PT Nasmoco Majapahitt Semarang, especially in the area east of Semarang either partially and simultaneously. Analysis tools used in this research are quantitative analysis (validity and reliability), multiple regression analysis, t-test, F and coefficient of determination.
Data obtained through interviews and questionnaires. The population in this research is that consumers of PT Nasmoco Majapahit Semarang already doing SPK (Surat Pesanan Kendaraan) or it can be called Down Payment for Toyota Agya. The sample of this research were 30 respondents. Determination of the sample using a convenience sampling technique with criteria respondents are consumers of PT Nasmoco Majapahit Semarang who was doing SPK for Toyota Agya.
The results of multiple linier regression analysis, Y= 0,68+0,316X1+0,417X2+0,222X3. This means that the variable product quality, price and brand positive effect on purchase interest. Variable price (X2) is a variable that has a dominant influence on purchase interest. While the hypothesis test is obtained t value stated significant results for all variables and the hypothesis is accepted. Results of multiple regression analysis also showed the value of determination coefficient of 0.501, which means the variable product quality, price and brand affect buying interest at 50.1%, while 49.9% is influenced by other variables that are not observed in this study. Based on this, expected to be entered to improve strategies in Semarang PT Nasmoco Majapahit. strategies in Semarang PT Nasmoco Majapahit.
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