Persepsi Pemilik Outlet terhadap Kinerja Tenaga Penjualan PT. Coca Cola Botling Indonesia - Central Java (Studi Kasus di Wilayah Kecamatan Banyumanik)
Salesperson’s performance is a kind of sales evaluation about their effort and their achievement. It is important for the company to study this action in order to investigate the level of their salesperson’s performance.
The purpose of this research is to investigate the outlet owner’s perception about salesperson’s performance of PT. Coca Cola Bottling Indonesia- Central Java in the Banyumanik region based on the skills (X1), the level of expertise (X2), the level of motivation (X3), the perception of the role (X4), personal characteristics (X5), and adoption ability (X6).
The methods of analysis in the research are validity test, reliability test, multiple linear regression analysis, t-test, and f-test. Based on questionare and observation the data are analysed using SPSS v.16. then obtained by the following equation:
y = 0,271 + 0,007 X1 – 0,028 X2 + 0,012 X3 + 0,007 X4 + 0,584 X5 + 0,394 X6
The result of this research is the amount of the highest coefficient X5 (personal characteristics). So, the outlet owner’s perception to the variable that influence the highest sales person’s performance is personal characteristics’ variable which consists of gathering habit, friendliness, work carefulness, emotional control, and open mindedness. emotional control, and open mindedness.
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