Rancang bangun website sebagai media promosi jurusan administrasi niaga politeknik negeri semarang
This final project is designed to fulfill a need of designing the new website with a new
layout to improve the old website. Business Administration is one of five departments in Semarang State Polytechnic. Currently, Business Administration Department uses manual method to share their company profile, announcement, and information. This department is not independently promoted. This final project uses development method system created by Sutabri. Data collection methods are observation, interviews and study literature. This website has six menus; there are Beranda, Profil, Prodi, Karya Ilmiah, and Info. Beranda menu is the first page, it consist the latest news of this Department. Profil menu contains the company profile and facilities. Prodi contains the profile of three study program in this Department. Karya Ilmiah contains about books, scientific articles and journal. Info menu is filled about latest announcement for stakeholders. Macromedia Dreamweaver and XAMPP is the software which used to design this website. This website as a promotion media helps the institution expand their promotion scale. In addition, it can be used by the institution to share announcement and information to the stakeholders.
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