Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Service Mobil pada Bengkel Dana Mulya Semarang
At the present time, the business competition world is growing rapidly among the enterpreneurs’ community, especially in the services sector, which also felt the situation this time is a car repair shop. The increasing competitor is marked by emerging of new in Semarang. Companies that want to grow and to win the business should provide a good or service quality. White appropiate quality of service and fast and their good treatment by offisers in serving customers, so in this case the effort to achieve customer satisfaction in the quality of service. Customers of service quality can be seen with the 5 dimensions tangible,reliability,responsiveness,assurance, and emphaty. This study was to determine the level of service quality and customer satisfaction at the workshop Dana Mulya Semarang, and determine the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction. In this study the sampling technique used is convenience and purposive sampling with a sample of 50 respondent by distributing questionnaires to determine the level of response from respondent and it is measured with a likert scale. the analysis technique used is multiple linier regression,partial test,and simultan test also the coefficient of determination test.
Result of the regression analysis, showed that quality of service (tangibles,reliability,responsiveness,assurance,emphaty) significant effect on customer satisfaction. While the descriptive analysis result showed that the level of service quality is very good and a very satisfied customer satisfaction.
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