Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Speedy di Wilayah Pati
PT. Telkom, Tbk is One State Agency that specializes in telecommunications services. It provides facilities and services Telecommunications services and information to the general public throughout Indonesia.
The purposes of this final project are to determine the influence of product and service quality on customer loyalty in customers speedy Pati area.
The sampling technique used in this research was purposive sampling to select the respondents. The sample of this research were 100 respondents. The methods in collecting data are interview, questionnaire, and literature studies.
The result of multiple linier regression analysis, Y= -
0,571+0,287X1+0,158X2. The most influential independent variables on the dependent variable was a variable product quality (0,287), followed by the variable service quality (0,158). While f test indicated that independent variables simultaneously influences the customer loyalty significantly. Coefficient determination was 0,799, it meant that 79,9% of customer loyalty could be explained by product quality and service quality. Meanwhile, other part of 21,1% of customer loyalty was influenced by other variables, which were not included in this research.
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