Kualitas Layanan Pasang Baru dan Tambah Daya Pada Pelanggan Tegangan Menengah PT. PLN Persero Area Semarang
All today’s society requires electrical services, both community living areas of the city and those who live in rural areas. Indirectly electrity has become a primary requirements in the currents needs of the society. Electricity plays an important role in human life, without electricity the whole community will not run properly and smoothly as it should.
PT PLN Persero Semarang area as a provider of electrical services in Semarang area we serve our customers with the best. However, customers who use the services of PT PLN Persero Semarang particular area and add new plug power plug assume that the new service and the added power is not in accordance with the expectation that they want. The purpose of this Final Project is to investigate how the quality of service the added power and new pairs of PT PLN Persero Area in Semarang. The method used in this Final Project is the analysis statistic describe , whereas analysis method using validity and reliability and test and one-sample t test.
Based on the summary score of the quality service variable and test results of one-sample t test is in the highly qualified interval, so that customer service quality of new pair and added power at medium voltage PT PLN Persero Semarang Area is very highly qualified
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