Evaluasi Penjualan Terkait kenaikan Harga Surat Kabar Harian Kompas pada PT Sirkulasi Kompas Gramedia Area Sales Department Semarang
On January 1, 2014 PT Sirkulasi Kompas Gramedia (SKG) set a new price increase and it made decrease of sales at retailers. It should be evaluated to determine the state of the market sales and to obtain factual data. The purposes of this research are to know retailers’ responses from price and purchasing decisions variable, to evaluate the results of sales volume before and after the price increase and to improve sales strategies of the company.
Data were collected through literature review, interviews with sales manager of PT SKG and distributing questionnaires to 30 retailers. The data used are qualitative and quantitative ones from primary and secondary source. The techniques of analysis used are descriptive statistics and paired t-test. SPSS version 17.0 is used to process the data.
The result shows that retailers (respondents) disagree with the price increase. However, they keep retailing the Kompas newspaper. Based on the evaluation there is a significant difference before and after the price increase, which means, that the price increase is very influential on sales at the retail level. The significant difference is shown from Test Paired T-Test with a P-value of 0.000 in which the value of the P-value is less than α (0.000
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