Sistem pengelolaan anggaran kesehatan karyawan pada PT Trans Marga Jateng Semarang
The purpose of writing is to identify how the health budget system management Of employees and how the cost submission system and reimbursement for employees are conducted at PT Trans Marga Jateng Semarang in treating patiens either hospitalized and non hospitalized ones.
The final Project is descriptively written, the data a qualitative and quantitative, taken primary and secondary data source. Those data were collected through observation, interviews, and literature study.
PT Trans Marga Jateng is concern with health care of employees. The company provides financial assistance in accordance with each employee level. In this case ther are three focuses, the first about health budget system management of employees, the second about the scope of employee health maintenance warranty at PT Trans Marga Jateng and the last about the cost submission system and reimbursement for employees are conducted at PT Trans Marga Jateng. The facilities pure finded by company.
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