Peran humas dalam penanganan keluhan pelanggan dan meningkatkan citra baik pada PDAM Tirta Moedal kota Semarang
Public Relations of the PDAM Tirta Moedal Kota Semarang is a defining element of the success company because of their role in handling customers’ complaints and improve the bad image due to customers’ response about the company's service.
The purposes ofthis final project were to find out the role of public relations in handling customers’ complaints, to know the shapes of the complaint, and to find out the role of public relations in improving good image of the company. The methods of data collection in this final project were observation, interviews, and literature studies.
The data gathered indicated that the role of public relations of PDAM Tirta Moedal Kota Semarang in handling customers’ complaints did successfully, the customers’ complaints handled by public relations through the call center, printing media and social media. The data also showed the role of public relations in improving the good image of the company worked well through the press release in media.
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