Pengaruh program keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja terhadap motivasi kerja karyawan pada PT Masscom Graphy Semarang
Working motivation is way to encourage employee’s working to work by facilitating dan give chances for achieving the company goal’s. Working motivation is very important for an organization. Safety and healthy works is a significant factor that affects the employee’s working motivation.
The primary purpose of the research is how to find out the influence of safety and healthy working program on employee’s working motivation at PT Masscom Graphy Semarang.
The method for collecting data was conducted in four stages. The first stage was observation the object directly. The second stage was conducting interviews with the employers. The third stage was distributing giving out questionnaires to 44 employee’s in general printing production departement as respondent. The data characteristics for this final project are qualitative and quantitative and then for the data sources primary data and secondary data. The techniques of analysis used was simple regression analysis, SPSS version 16.0 used to process the data.
The result shows that the simple linier regression is Y=18.820+0,599X. It means that safety and healthy works and employees’ working motivation have positive correlation. The correlation analysis indicates R=0,825, it means that correlation between safety and healty works on employees’ working motivation is high and positive. The determination coefficient shows Adjusted R square = 67,3%, it means that 67,3% working motivation variant is influenced by safety and healthy working program variant, and 32,7% influenced by the other factors. Then, the t test of the influence employee safety and healthy program to working motivation indicates that there is significant influence because the value of t count 9.464 is bigger than the of t table 1.6820 with the significant level of 5%.
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