Pengaruh pelatihan terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT Nasmoca authorized Toyota Dealer cabang Gombel Semarang
Employee is an important factor in a company. To improve emlpoyees performance, PT Nasmoco Authorized Toyota Dealer Branch Gombel Semarang, has objective traning programs for their employees, especially for operational employees.
The objective of this study is to identify influence of training program on emloyees performance at PT Nasmoco Authorized Toyota Dealer Branch Gombel Semarang.
The method of collecting the data are questionnaires and literature study. The data used are the primary data, secondary data, quantitative data and qualitative data. The techniques of analysis are multiple linier regression coefficient analysis, t –test, f – test and coefficient of determination. SPSS version 18.0 is used to process the data.
The result shows that the training program has positive and significant impact on work performance. The regression equation is Y = -0,125 + 0,222 + 0,245 + 0,209 + 0,202 + 0,218. The coefficient regression is -0,125 negative coefficient of determination result of obtained 92,9%, while the rest of 7,1% is influenced by other factors.
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