Sistem pengukuran kinerja pegawai pada unit saturan non vertikal tertentu pelaksanaan jaringan pemanfaatan air (SNVT PJPA) Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Pemali-Juana
Employee performance measurement system is organizations assess the performance of employees to improve decision process in the company. The objective of this final report is to know the employee performance measurement system imposed on Unit Satuan Non Vertikal Tertentu Pelaksanaan Jaringan Pemanfaatan Air (SNVT PJPA) Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Pemali-Juana. The method used is descriptive method, collection of data was conducted by doing observation, interviews, and literature study. Implementation of employee performance measurement system is done by using eight elements of assessment. The elements are loyality, performance, responsibility, obedience, honesty, cooperation, initiative, and leadership.
The data showed that the employee performance measurement system can be used as a tool for considerations in determining employee promotion, as well as job rotation. The benefits of employee performance measurement system for the company is to determine the performance of each employee over a period of one year.
It was concluded that the employee performance measurement system at this unit is performed by the superiors to subordinates use DP3 through elements contained in it. Companies should measure the performance of employees honestly and fair in order to achieve company goals.
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