Pengaruh pelatihan dan penghargaan terhadap motivasi kerja karyawan pada Perhutani divisi regional Jawa Tengah
Perum Perhutani is a State-Owned Enterprises in Indonesia, which has the duties and authorities to enforce the planning, maintenance, exploitation and protection of forests in working area. Training and reward is very important to support the employess, especially to increase employees motivation. Sometimes training and reward have not been able to optimize employees to work harder and been able to develop themselves.
The objective of this study project was to know about training program at PT Perum Perhutani Divisi Regional Jawa Tengah, employess perseption about reward and influence of training and reward on working motivation of employees. The method of collecting the data were interview, questionnaire, observation and literature study. Questionnaires were distributed to 50 employees as respondents.The study method uses multiple linier regression coefficient
The calculation of regression coefficient shows that Y = 1.151 + 0.269X1+ 0.401X2. The variables were training (X1), reward (X2) and Working Motivation (Y). It means that result of regression gives a positive influence on the working motivation of employees and the coefficient of determination is 0.269. it means that 26.9% working motivation of employess is influenced by training and reward. While the rest of 70.4% is influenced by other factors.
To improve employees working motivation, the training and reward must be mantained and improved in order to achieve company goals and give space for employees to further enhance employees performance.
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