Pengaruh kualitas produk, merek dan harga terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen the hitam PT Perkebunan Tambi Wonosobo (Studi kasus pada Unit Penjualan Lokal Kantor Direksi)
The purpose of this research was to find out the influence of product quality (X1), brand (X2), and price (X3) toward consumers’ buying decision (Y) of Tambi black tea.
Methods of collecting the data were questionaire and literature reviews. In this questionaire there were 71 respondents with likert scale. The analysis methods used multiple regression analysis and coefficient determination. The result of analysis showed that all variables of this research were positive because the significance was less than alpha (0.05) and tcount> ttable. It can be seen that tcount of product quality variable was 4.345 and signification value was 0.000. Then, tcount of brand variable was 2.206 and the signification value 0,031. While, tcount of price variable was 4.113 and the signification value 0.000. Based on analysis result, this three independent variables had influence on consumers’ buying decision. Because Fcount (29.879) > Ftable (2.74). The result of multiple regression analysis were Y = 1.767 + 0.430X1 + 0.244X2 + 0.454X3. If product quality variable (X1), brand variable (X2) and price variable (X3) increased, so consumers’ buying decision (Y) of this product would increase too. The result of coefficient determination showed that all independent variables gave the contribution about 55.3% to consumers’ buying decision.
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