Penataan ruang kantor bagian aset daerah pada Dinas Pendapatan, Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah Kabupaten Semarang (DPPKAD)
The purpose of the final project were to find out the office-layout, to find out the physical environment and giving alternative arrangement of the office.
The collecting data methods were observation, interviews and literature. The reportdescribes the office layout at the department regional income and financial asset management district semarang.
The office layout of the local assets in the department regional income and financial asset management district semarang was open places office with furniture and office machines sufficient for employees. Office of the physical environment as a suitable office space and number of employees. Alternative arrangement of the space assets in the are a better facilitate the workare: to reduce the work table is not used, replace with a sexy desk L shape to make it more effective and extensive, replace old chair becomes new chair, giving first and box, provide lockers to put stuff-Items employees and helmet, making the space assets In toone room which can reduce noise and noisein completing the work. Conditions in the office layout are aasset have been good enoughfor their employees.
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