Faktor-faktor penyebab retur produk pet disaluran distribusi pada PT Sinar Sosro Kantor penjualan wilayah jawa tengah (Studi kasus Kantor penjualan Semarang Timur)
In the process of sales, one of the problems is returned product. PT Sinar Sosro is the first company in Indonesia and in the world that produces ready to drink tea beverage products in bottles, PET (plastic bottle), and tetra pack.The purposes of this study are to describe the factors causing returned PET product, how to handle returned PET product, and the documents related to the handling. This research uses descriptive method in writing activities that will make the picture and then describe and explain systematically the factors of returned PET product in the company.
The data are collected by conducting interview with administration supervisor of sales office and conducting observation. It is found that the factors of returned PET product are over limit storage of carton stack in transit warehouse, over pressure of carton stack, slow moving product, shakes when shipping PET product, and inappropriate transportation equipment PET product which is only covered with tarpaluins and plastic.
The returned PET product in the distribution channel are attended by several stages. Firstly, customer returns the bad PET product to salesman with bad stock exchange form, then the salesman submits the exchange to sales supervisor and unit manager. After being approved the PET product is given to warehouse head, and warehouse head fills up the recapitulation form of bad stock. Then administration supervisor of sales office proposes the data to accounting & finance branch office. Discount would be given to customer who does repeated order. Finally, PET product would be destroyed. The documents used are bad stock exchange form, recapitulation form of bad stock, submissions of bad stock, and minutes of bad stock annihilation.
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