Analisis elemen-elemen brand equity dalam penentuan importance dan performance pada produk roti merek Purimas 3 cake & bakery 1936 Semarang
Brand equity is one of many important aspects in sales. In facing with high competition of business, a company requires marketing strategy to win the competitions. In order to make a good strategy a company should know the level of brand equity of its product on customers mindset. Moreover, if the company has been on declining sales it should be handled soon to increase the sales. Purimas 3 Cake & Bakery 1936 Semarang is a bakery which sells breads, cakes and traditional cakes.
The purposes of the research are to analyze the brand equity level of Purimas 3 Cake & Bakery 1936 Semarang, to appeal the performance of the company with the importance of the bran equity elements on customer preceptions. The Brand Equity categories are Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Brand Perceived Quality and Brand Loyalty.
The method of collecting data by observation, interview and quesionaires. The data analysis by SPSS 16.0 (literatur review).
The result of the research shows that performance and importance analysis can be sen on cartesius diagram and index of customer satisfication. Index of customer satisfication 79,37% it means that customer satisfied. Moreover on Cartesius Diagram there are 3 (three) elements are located in quadran l:Underact, which means that the elements are considered very important but the performance is low.
It was concluded that the customers are satisfied with product and service of Purimas 3 Cake & Bakery 1936 Semarang which was found the percent of customer satisfication
index but some elements need to rebuilt and corrected.
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