Pengaruh motivasi kerja dan kepuasan kerja terhadap komitmen organisasi pegawai pada dinas tenaga kerja, transmigrasi dan kependudukan provinsi Jawa Tengah
Title: The Influence of Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Commitment of Employees at Department of Labor, Transmigration and Demography of Central Java Province
The purpose of the research are to determine the influence of job motivation on employee commitment at Department of Labor, Transmigration and Demography of Central Java Province, to determine the influence of job satisfaction on employee commitment at Department of Labor, Transmigration and Demography of Central Java Province and to determine the influence of job motivation and josatisfaction simultaneously on employee commitment at Department of Labor, Transmigration and Demography of Central Java Province. The methods of collection the data in this research are observation, study literatures and distribution the questionnaires to 65 employees with Proportional Random Sampling techniques. The analysis implemented in this research was multiple linear regression analysis. The result of T test for Work Motivation is 1.554 with signification by 0.125. This shows that there is not significant influences between Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment. The result of T test for Job Satisfaction is 9.584 with signification by 0.000. This shows that there is a significant influences between Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment. The result of F test is 50.274 and the signification is 0.000. This show that there is a significant influences between Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction simultaneously on organizational commitment.
Keywords: Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment of Employees
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