Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Pada KPRI"Handayani" UNNES Semarang Th 2007-2009
The purposeof this final project is to determine the financial condition and the cooperation development based on financial statement by ratio analysis in scope of liquidity ratio, solvability ratio, and profitability ratio from year 2007 to 2009 (2 years) and its factor which influent of liquidity, solvability and profitability at KPRI “HANDAYANI” UNNES Semarang.
Writing methods used is exposition used to give explanatory of ratio calculation. While, description methods in illustrating company overview about company profile, organization structure, and introductory task of each policy and its jurisdiction.
The result of analysis financial performance at KPRI “HANDAYANI” UNNES Semarang in year 2007 to 2009 with cooperation rating standart which reviewed in current ratio state in a good condition. The solvability level with total asset to total debt state in a good condition. While the rate of return of invesment level state in a good condition. Then in rate od return on netwoth state in a good condition. The entirely performance assessment at KPRI “HANDAYANI” UNNES Semarang satate in good condition.
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