Sistem informasi monitoring pencatatan dokumen masuk sub sektor perikanan bagian statistik produksi pada badan pusat statistik (BPS) Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Tittle: Monitoring Information System Records Incoming Documents at Fisheries Sub-Sector Production Statistics Department of BPS Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Monitoring Information System Records Incoming Documents is information system created with the help of Microsoft Visual Foxpro 9.0. The primary purpose of Monitoring Information System is to manage incoming documents submitted by BPS district of Central Java, so that documents flow control well-coordinated. According to the results of interview conducted with staff fisheries sub-sector, document monitoring system is still done manually by using Microsoft Excel. As a result of the monitoring documents reports are not specified. Based on method of COBIT which is managing information governance in good government, this system can make the management of fisheries sub-sector easy to manage the incoming documents because this system has monitoring domain. Early warning created in this system can help the company to ensure accuracy of the documents publication. The methods of collecting data used interview and literature, whereas the method of system development used SDLC traditional. The results of system design are simplified in recording, processing, and storage of data, also it makes documents monitoring easy.
Keyword : System, Information, Information System, Monitoring, COBIT
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