Analisis pengaruh kepuasan kerja, keamanan kerja dan komitmen organisasi terhadap turnover intention pada PT. Batamtex Unit Weaving
Title: The Analysis Of Job’s Satisfaction, Job’s Security and Organizationalal Commitment Against Turnover Intention In Weaving Department of PT Batam Textile Industry.
In an organization, what makes an employee leave or intend to leave are always become the big question for any company, as perceived by the employees of PT Batamtex which is established as the textile industry. To know the turnover intention of employees in PT Batamtex especially unit weaving, it is necessary to know the relationship between, job’s Security and organizational commitment on job’s satisfaction and relationship between job’s satisfaction on turnover intention.
The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of job’s Security and organizational commitment on job’s satisfaction and relationship between job’s satisfaction on turnover intention in weaving department of PT Batam Textile Industry.
The analysis method in this research used a linear multiple regression and simple regression. The sample of the research was 60 employees in weaving department of PT Batam Textile Industry. The study used accidental sampling. The techniques of data collection were done by distributing questionnaires and cultivated by used SPSS 20.00.
The results showed that job’s security and organizational commitment have a positive effect on job’s satisfaction in the weaving department of PT Batam Textile Industry with the score of adjusted R2 is 36,9 percents, and relationship between job’s satisfaction have a positife effect on turnover intention of employees in the weaving department of PT Batam Textile Industry, with the score of adjusted R2 is 44 percents.
Keword: job’s satisfaction, job’s security, organizational commitment, turnover intention
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