Pengelolaan dokumen impor pada pt Catur Jaya manunggal sejati Semarang
“The Management of Import Documents at PT Catur Jaya Manunggal Sejati”
Management of import documents is very important in the process of importing the goods. PT Catur Jaya Manunggal Sejati is a EMKL company that helps importer to manage import documents. Based on this description, the writer is interested in composing a final project entitled “The Management of Import Documents at PT Catur Jaya Manunggal Sejati”
The purpose of this study is to describe the management of import documents, the documents required, the parties involved in management of import documents and the problems encountered and ways to solve the problems. The data were collected by doing observation at PT Catur Jaya Manunggal Sejati and interviews the manager of the company. This final project is written in descriptive method.
The result shows that PT Catur Jaya Manunggal Sejati is an EMKL company which helps importer to manage import documents. PT Catur Jaya Manunggal Sejati prepares document of Import Notification (PIB) such as importers documents (Bill of Lading, Invoice, Packing List, Certificate of Origin, etc) then submit the Import Notification to Directorate General of Custom Exice. The parties involved in those activities are Foreign Exchange Bank, Sucofindo, Pelindo, Trucking Company, etc. And the problem encountered is delay time in manage the import documents.
Keywords: management, import, import documents.
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