Analisis pengaruh disiplin kerja dan motivasi kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan pada markas Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Kota Semarang
In a company, the human resources are the most important role and potential for success of a company. Therefore, in order that each employee has a good performance to make a company become successful then the company needs to make its employees have work discipline and the company give work motivation. Work discipline and the provision of work motivation may affect
employee job satisfaction.
This research aimed to analyze the influence of the work discipline and work motivation on employee job satisfaction. The sample collection tchnique in this research was census with 37 employees of Indonesian Red Cross Semarang. The method of data collection in final project are a questionnaire and literature. The analysis technique use is multiple analysis regressions.
The results of hypothesis testing all the variables (work disciplne and work motivation) with alpha value less than 0.05 show a positive and significant effect to employee job satisfaction. The most influence variable to employee job satisfaction is work motivation based on the value of standardized coefficients for 0.521. Based on the calculation of the coefficient determination obtained 0.375, results mean employee job satisfaction in influenced by variable independent for
37.5%, while the remaining 62.5% in influenced by other variable.
Keyword: Work Discipline, Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction of Employee.
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