Pengaruh kedisiplinan terhadap kinerja karyawan pada pt Wijaya Karya beton wilayah penjualan IV Semarang
The Influence Of Discipline On The Working Performance Of Employees at PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA) Beton Sales Region IV Semarang
Discipline is a important things on human resources management. Because, if the employees are discipline, the company can easily reach its goals. The objective of this final project report is to find out the influence of dicipline on the performance of employees at PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA) Beton Wilayah Penjualan IV.
The method for collecting data that used are literature review and questionnaires wich are distributed to 30 employees as respondents. The analysis data used the method of simple linier regression analysis. Regression analysis is to determine the influence of dicipline. Data were proceed using SPSS 22.0. The calculation of regression coefficient shows that Y = 1,903 + 0,483X. It means that the result of regression gives a positive influence on the performance of
employees. And coefficient of determination is 0,137. It means that 13,7% employees performance was influence by Dicipline. While the rest of 86,3% is influenced by other factors.
Keywords: Dicipline, Employees Performance, Performance
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