Analisis Daya Saing Ekspor Dan Pertumbuhan Ekspor Di Jawa Tengah Tahun 2004-2009
The global financial crisis in the United States has impact to some countries in the world. On January 1st, 2010, the government of Indonesia has enacted CAFTA agreement (China-ASEAN Free Trade Area) which is believed to be inhibiting economic growth and declining exports of Central Java. To overcome this condition, Exporter should immediately change export strategies, increase competitiveness by increasing competitiveness of domestic products, to compete with foreign products.
The purpose of the Final report are firstly to a Analyze the products competitiveness in Central Java, secondly to a Analyze the growth of export commodities in Central Java.
The data were collected by doing literature review. It is recapitulation of Central Java Export Commodities 2004-2009. They are measured by Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), and Export Growth formula. The sampling are 16 Export Commodities of Central Java 2004-2009.
The analysis shows that high commetitiveness of Central Java commodities are Agriculture and forestry, Mining and Quarrying, Yarn and Textile Industries, Wood, Cork and Hay Industries, Mineral and stone Industries and Machinery, Electrical and Electronic Industries.
The high Export Growth are Agriculture and forestry, Vehicles, Equipment and Mining and Quarrying.
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