Mekanisme Pemeriksaan Barang Impor Dengan Penetapan Jalur Merah Dan Jalur Hijau Pada Kantor Pengawasan Dan pelayanan Bea Dan Cukai Tanjung Emas Semarang
The purposes of this final report were to describe the criteria of imported goods in determination of red channel and green channel, to describe the steps of determination the imported goods in red channel and green channel, and to know the PIB (Notification of Imported Goods) red channel and green channel made by PFPD (Functional Officer Document Examiner).
The data in this report were collected by observation, interviews, and literatures studies. It was written descriptively.
The result shows that if imported goods and the importers were in high risk, they will be subjected to red channel and if they were in low risk they will be subjected to green channel. Determination in red channel and green channel were started by delivering the document of PIB. In green channel, SPPB document could be released before the inspection of document and in red channel there were document inspection and physical inspection.
It can be concluded that determination channel criteria is based on the risk of imported goods and the risk of importers. The documents of goods in red channel must be inspected physically while the one in green channel is subject to document inspection only.
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