Sistem Impor Bahan Baku Pada PT Samwon Busana Indonesia
PT Samwon Busana Indonesia is manufacturer garment. For production process, it needs to import raw materials. This company is one of PKB (Penyelenggara Kawasan Berikat)and PDKB (Pengusaha Di Kawasan Berikat) in Bounded Zone, this company gets some facilities in import. Based on that, I was inspired to write my final project report on “THE IMPORTATION SYSTEM OF RAW MATERIAL AT PT SAMWON BUSANA INDONESIA”.
The purposes of this final project report are to describe importation system, the parties in importation system, the documents for importation, the kind of importation raw material, the term of delivery goods, the process of take out the imported goods from customs area, the obstacles of raw material importation and the solutions for the obstacles.
The data were collected by doing observation at PT Samwon Busana Indonesia and interviews with the import division of company. This final report is written descriptively.
The results show that in import activities, the company gets some facilities such as excise and PPnBM are not taken, PPN, PPh and import duty are delayed. These facilities were given because the company is one of PKB and PDKB in Bounded Zone. The parties involved in importation system are exporter, importer, PT Atlas Container Line, Maskapai Samudra Indonesia, General Directorate of Custom and Duties Tanjung Emas Semarang and Industry and Trade Department Central Java. The documents used are Commercial Invoice, Packing List, B/L, COO, SPPB, Certificate of Inspection, Surat Kuasa and BC 2.3. The raw materials which imported are fabric, thread, label and accessories for men’s shirt. The term of goods surrender is CIF and goods is brought out by PT Atlas Container Line. The obstacles are,firstly, the quality of goods is not suitable with company’s order specification and secondly, the delay of ship arrival. It is suggested that PT Samwon Busana Indonesia gives information to Samwon Trading Inc. to ask the suitable goods and give information about the delay to Shipping Company soon.
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