Mekanisme Penanganan Barang Berbahaya (Dangerous Goods) Pada PT (PERSERO) Pelabuhan Indonesia III Terminal Peti Kemas Semarang
In the international trade, recently, every country might ship or receive goods from the ports in any part of country as long as it meets the requirements as the port which acts as the gateway of the trade. The port that is appointed should provide facilities as the international port.
As a company which acts as a gateway of trade in Indonesia in general and in Central Java and Yogyakarta in particular and as a company that is engaged in heaping containers before discharged and loaded onto a ship, the Container Terminal of Semarang (TPKS), PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III provides services to apply multiple service systems. One of the systems is the system of handling dangerous goods. PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III Terminal Peti Kemas Semarang is located at Jl. Coaster No. 10 A Tanjung Emas Semarang.
The purpose of the final project t are to find out the mechanism of handling dangerous good and to describe the documents related to handling dangerous goods at PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) Terminal Peti Kemas Semarang.
The report was written descriptively. Data collected were primary and secondary data which are obtained through interview, observation and literature studies.
It is concluded that mechanisms of handling dangerous goods starting from labeling the hazardous materials in containers, then performing the services (service exports or imports of container), and the flow of dangerous goods container class 1 and 7 should be directly taken out of the area TPKS (for import) or loaded directly onto the ships (for export). The documents required are Application Delivery, Delivery Order (DO), Expenditure Approval (SPPB), Fee Calculation, Found or The Bank Garante Certificate, Application Stack, CEIR (Container & Equipment Interchange Receipt) and Job Slip.
Finally, It is recommended that PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III Container Terminal of Semarang should be socialized to the public regarding mechanism of handling dangerous goods, characteristics and hazards of dangerous goods, so that the public understands and contributes for the handling of dangerous goods indirectly. Moreover, PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III Container Terminal of Semarang should carry out standard procedure of handling dangerous goods, and one of which must be fulfilled is an Area or special Logistics Warehouse of dangerous goods.
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