Study on the strategies of Semarang Container Terminal in Facing ASEAN Economic Community 2015
At the 12th ASEAN Summit, the leader of ASEAN members agree to accelerate the establishment of ASEAN Community in 2015 and transform ASEAN region with free flow of goods; services; investment; skilled labor; and free flow of capital. The role of port of port is crucial in economy development, the presence of capability port plays major role in supporting people and goods mobility especially the presence of AEC whose element is free flow of goods in ASEAN countries. To face AEC, people of Indonesia generally and Central Java especially need some strategies that they might not be a spectator in their own country.
This undergraduate thesis uses qualitative method to describe the strategies of Semarang Container Terminal in facing AEC and those strategies analyzed by IFAS EFAS, SWOT diagram, and SWOT matrix. The result of IFAS is 3.6 and EFAS is 3.48 so that the position of Semarang Container Terminal is in quadrant 1, supporting aggressive strategy. The aggressive strategies are maximizing the use of the existing facilities to increase company’s performance, reprogram Road Show, and do socialization to stakeholder in cooperation with Central Java and Yogyakarta government (SO Strategy in SWOT matrix).
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