Pengaruh latihan dan motivasi karyawan terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan pada PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) Cabang Tanjung Emas Semarang
The purpose of this reseach was to identify the influence of training and working motivation to employees satisfaction of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Pesero) Cabang Tajung Emas Semarang. Questionnaire, Interview and literature studies are the instruments used to collect data. Questionnaires were distributed to 60 employee as respondents. The data analysis used the method of multiple linier regression coefficient analysis. Regression analysis was used to determine the influence of training and working motivation to emlpoyee performance. Data were
processed using SPSS v.16.0. The result of this study is that the calculation of regression coefficient obtained Y= 1,882e + 0,560 X1 + 0,349 X2.The training and motivation of employees have a significant effect on employee job satisfaction .for training variables showed a positive and significant influence . As for the variable employees motivation also showed the same results are positive and have significant effect on employee Job satisfaction
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