Kajian Potensi Ekspor Industri Kayu Olahan Pada Wilayah Kabupaten Purworejo
Purworejo is one of the regencies in Central Java Province, a region which has contribution in export activity, especially for processed wood industry commodity. There are many companies which export their products to importers in Asia and Europe but the fact is that the companies are not always successful in their export activity.
The purpose of the final report is to know projection development of export of processed wood industry in district of Purworejo, and research SWOT analysis export processed wood industry in district of Purworejo. The method of data collection uses questionnaire, observation, interview and literate studies. Questionnaires were distributed to 6 respondents. The research is analyzed using SWOT analysis, which considers of 4 factors, i.e strengths, weakness, opportunities and threat.
The result of the research is that processed wood industry in district Purworejo has direct export potency because the internal factors is higher than external ones. It shows that industry has higher threat than opportunities, so it can use threat as maximum to use opportunities.
“Dinas perindustrian, Perdagangan dan Koperasi (Disperindagkop)” as a department which control all industrial, trade and cooperation activity has improved a good relationship with industry, so it can create balance economy structure to face an increase in a local industry.
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