Pengaruh promosi dan produk terhadap brand awareness pada produk telkom indihome di Semarang
The Influence Of Promotion And Product Toward Brand Awareness In The Product Of Telkom Indihome In Semarang
PT .Telkom Indonesia released a new product called indihome .Telkom indihome is the newest product that uses optical fiber internet service with tv or ip service usee tv ,Indihome is triple play service.
The objective of this final project is to determine the influence of promotion and product toward brand awareness on the product of telkom indihome in Semarang.
The Methods of data collection are observation, interviews, questionnaires and literature review. The sampling technique used in this study is insidental random sampling. The samples are 100 respondents. The analysis method to do the research is multiple liniear regression analysis.
The result of this study is that the calculation of regression coefficients obtained Y = 8.668 + 0.418X 1 + 0.450X2 . It means that the result of regression give positive influence on brand awareness, and the influence of product on brand awareness greater that the promotion. Coefficient determination is 0.757, it means that 75.2% of retail customer’s loyalty could be explained by the promotion and product. Meanwhile, the rest of the 24.8% is influenced by other variables which are not included in this study
Keywords: promotion,product, and brand awareness
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