Pengaruh promosi dan kualitas produk terhadap keputusan pembelian pada produk indihome telkom Indonesia di kota Semarang
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of promotion and quality product on purchasing decision on products Indihome Telkom Indonesian in Semarang city.
The population in this research is the consumer Indihome in Semarang city. The sample is taken from 100 respondents with the Non-Probability Sampling. The analysis of this research uses validities and reliabilities test, Multiple Linear Regresion, F-test and T-test
Based on a statistical calculation with linear regression analysis can be shown by the regression equation Y= 6,712 + 0,274X1 + 0,475X2 from the regression equation is known that the promotion and product quality have significant influence on purchasing decisions. The result of the t-test analysis shows that the promotion variabel resulted is 2,758 > t-table1,984 and the product quality resulted is 5,505 > t-table1,984. The conclusions are promotion and product quality have significant influence on purchasing decisions. Then the result of F-test is Fcount 48.218 > Ftable 3.09 , The conclusion is that the promotion and the quality of the product simultaneously influence the purchase decisions. Results of calculation of the coefficient of determination 0,488. This suggests that promotion and product quality can explain purchasing decision by 48,8%. While the remaining 51,2% is explained by other variable that are not observed.
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