Pengaruh harga, atribut produk dan citra merek terhadap keputusan pembelian produk Telkom Bostoko di Semarang
This research is done to analyze the factors that have influences toward
consumers in the making of purchasing decisions. The independent variables of
this research consist of Price (X1), Product’s attribute (X2), and Brand Image
(X3). The dependent variable is the purchasing decision of buying Telkom
Bostoko in Semarang.
The objective of this final project is to determine the influence of price, product’s
attribute and brand image on purchasing decision Telkom Bostoko in Semarang.
The method for doing the research is regression analysis. The method to do the
research is multiple liniear regression analysis. The sample used in this research
consists of 100 respondents chosen by accidental sampling technique. Methods of
data collection are interviews, questionnaires and literature review.
The result of this study is that the calculation of regression coefficients obtained,
Y = 1.214+0.376X1+0.386X2+0.196X3. The independent variable that has the
biggest effect toward the dependent variable is Product’s attribute (0.386),
followed by Price (0.376) and Brand image (0.196) respectively. The coefficient
of determination (adjusted R2) of this research is 0.710. It means that 71% of
purchasing decision could be explained by price, product’s attribute and brand
image. Meanwhile, the rest of the 29% is influenced by other variables which are
not included in this study.
Keyword: Price, Product’s Attribute, Brand Image , Purchasing Decision
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