Analisis pengaruh perubahan kurs United States Dollar (USD) terhadap permintaan ekspor furniture "Setty Tamu" pada CV Jati Indomebel Jepara
CV Wahyu JAti Indomebel Jepara is a company producing wooden furniture, whose 80% of product are exported. In the international payment, the company pays attention to the fluctuation of exchange rate which can be influenced the product price, purchasable by international consumers or importers because this might influence the export demand.
The primary objectives of this report are to analyze the influence of currency exchange on export demand of “Setty Tamu” (living room furniture) in the period January 2007 to Desember 2008 with partial method in direct influence and indirect influence with product price as intervening variable, and Simultaneous method in direct influence and indirect influence with product price as intervening variable, and to find out the significant influence of USD exchange fluctuation on export demand.
The methods of data collection are observation, interview, and literature study. The data used were secondary ones. Simple Linear Regression was used to analyzed the data. It covers, coefficient correlation, coefficient determination, and T-test analysis. The analysis is done by SPSS 12.0 for Windows Program.
The analysis on coefficient determination with partial method in direct influence resulting 24,3% and coefficient correlation is 0,493 which means there is average and positive correlation, and the influence is significant. For partial method the result on coefficient determination is 21,6% and 31,2%, and coefficient correlation is average and indicates positive correlation, and the influence is significant. Simultaneouse method in direct influence on coefficient determination is 38,2% and coefficient correlation is 0,618 which means there is strong and positive correlation, and the influence is not significant, but indirect influence is significant. The company must pay attention toUSD exchange fluctuation for controlling the stock the of product.
It is concluded, the USD exchange fluctuation has positive influence on export demand.
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