Persepsi pelanggan terhadap pelayanan pada bagian administrasi di BBC ETS (build better communication english training specialist) Semarang
Customer is people who repeatedly come to same place to get need by own a product or get a kind of service by paying those products or service. Customer is valuable asset for a company. The more customer using the service, the more profit will be gained by the company. The purpose of this review is to determine customer perception to service given by BBC ETS (Build Better Communication English Training Specialist) Semarang.
The data use are qualitative and quantitative. Data were taken by doing observation, interwiew, literature study and distributing questionnaire to 50 respondents that is students at BBC ETS (Build Better Communication English Training Specialist) Semarang. There were 58% female respondents and 42% male. Based on age, as many as 48% respondents aged under 20 years old and 48% respondents aged 20 – 30 years old. Based of education, compotition respondent is of student of SLTP 30% respondents. Furthermore, based of time duration as 48% respondents has been customer about 1 – 6 months. Data analysis used was non statistics analysis and the results yield 20,90% respondents states good for empathy.
It can be concluded that the customers perseption on the service at administration at BBC ETS Semarang observed based of 5 dimentions, tangibility, reliability, responsibility, assurance and empathy entirely are good.
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